

Arenita Project 🏝️

Welcome to the Arenita project repository. This project contains various scripts and Ansible playbooks for installing development, graphic design, educational, and multimedia tools.

Content 📂

Directory Description
src/ansible Ansible playbooks for installing various tools.
src/conf Configuration files used in the project.
src/deb-files Files .deb
src/guide Project guides and documentation.
src/iso-conf ISO configurations for automated installations.
src/ldif LDIF files for configuring LDAP users.
src/scripts Automation scripts for various tasks.

Requirements 🛠️

Installation 🔧

  1. With all the other repositories
    bash -c "$(curl"
  2. Clone the repository:
    git clone
    cd arenita

License 📄

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.